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Allow the Word of God to minister to you through our Sunday sermons and daily inspirations

The Importance of Bible Study

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

At Bible Deliverance, our goal is to encourage everyone to allow the Bible, The Word of God, to be their guide in every aspect of their life.  Below is an incredible tool to assist with biblical studies.  Input keyword(s), following "What does the bible say about..."  indicating the topic you would like to learn more about from a biblical perspective; once entered, various referencing scriptures will be provided

My advice is to use the reference scriptures concerning various topics to inspire you to expand your studies to include reading the entire chapter of the verser provided, as well as the previous and even the following chapter to enhance understanding of not just the scripture but the content and the heart of God.

Loving Exalted,
Pastor Deb
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All deliverance, all aspects of love, happiness, and peace, is outlined and better embraced when you study & understand the Holy Scriptures

See Pastor Deb's Favorite Bible Resources
Check Out The Least Read Books of The Bible
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" Bible Study is crucial in establishing and maintaining a relationship with God. I wanted to share my favorite biblical translations to encourage and ignite greater passion for the Word of God " Pastor Deb

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"I love to use the Geneva Bible when studying the Word of God and seeking clarity regarding a certain issues or situations.  The Geneva Bible was the most popular translation before the King James Version.  Once you get past the spelling errors you will embrace the reformers notes and receive a deeper revelation with every notation."  Pastor Deb   
(not available in print only as a download via Kindle)
Parallel Bible are incredible assets, because they compare two translations side by side and have commentary also included.  The parallel Bible I use the most is the one with the NIV and Message translations" Pastor Deb
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"Because I am a lover of history and archaeolgy I thoroughly enjoy reading and studying from my Archaeological Study Bible.  It is very enlightening when you study the Bible and can refer to the culture and the history so profoundly"  Pastpr Deb

The Least Read Books of The Bible

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© All Rights Reserved.   Bible Deliverance Church, Inc.



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